Counselors - Peers - Marriage and Family Therapists - Addiction Counselors
Psychologists - Social Workers - Pre-licensure Professionals - Interns

...for a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce.

HCPF Legislative Requests for Information Reports

Report: 2023 Joint Budget Committee request for information related to RAE management. 

HCPF Premiums, Expenditures, and Caseload Reports

HCPF Legislator Resource Center

Action Plan Update on Medicaid Behavioral Health Reimbursement Rates - August 2023

Note in the Action Plan Update that HCPF discloses that it has the power to set minimum rates ('directed payments'), and it has already used it. "For the fiscal year (FY) 2023-24 rates effective July 1, 2023, HCPF implemented directed payments for certain services for youth and family programs.

HCPF Parity Information

Colorado Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Network

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Donation goal

Collected: $14,100.00
Goal: $18,000.00
Larger clinics that see real benefits from COMBINE efforts please donate 1/10th of 1% of Medicaid revenue. (e.g. $500 on $500,000)

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