Counselors - Peers - Marriage and Family Therapists - Addiction Counselors
Psychologists - Social Workers - Pre-licensure Professionals - Interns

...for a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce.

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Behavioral health (also called mental health and substance use disorder services) in Colorado is provided through federal public insurance (Medicaid, Medicare), state programs (Emergency and Crisis services, mobile crisis, walk-in centers, "I Matter"), commercial insurance, and private pay. 

Behavioral health addresses a spectrum of levels of care: outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, inpatient, and residential. 

Generally Medicaid clients are served by providers with contract with managed care entities, also known as RAEs (Regional Accountability Entities).

Many legislative committees, state boards, administrative units, advocay offices, and state departments have influence and power within this large system. 

COMBINE members attend various meetings, stakeholder events, and presentations in order to inform our workforce and stay current. 

See submenus under State Resources to learn more. 

Colorado Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Network

We need lobbyist money.  Donate! 

Donation goal

Collected: $14,100.00
Goal: $18,000.00
Larger clinics that see real benefits from COMBINE efforts please donate 1/10th of 1% of Medicaid revenue. (e.g. $500 on $500,000)

$99 annual dues, join today!

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