We've been advocating for the needs of a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce. Below you can see some of what we've accomplished and how we've grown since 2019.
helped draft the bipartisan Medicaid Rate Report (HB22-1268), introduced by Reps.
Amabile (D) and Rep. Holtorf (R), and "The Medicaid Mental Health Care Prior
Authorization and Recoupment Regulation" bill (SB22-156) sponsored by
Senate President Fenberg, Senator Kolker, Rep. Amabile, and Rep. Young. SB22-156 provides protection for providers
from recoupment of paid claims, and prohibits prior authorization requirements for
outpatient care.
Advocated for dual enrolled Medicaid/Medicare patients to receive care
from LPCs, who cannot participate in Medicare. Approved January 2022.
Clarified with OBH, CDPHE, HCPF, BHA,
and the RAEs which mental healthcare clinics have to apply for
expensive Behavioral Health Entity licensing in 2022.
denials of F64 (gender dysphoria and associated codes) rescinded as of
July 2022.
CCHA stopped prior authorization for outpatient counseling, required from March 2021 to September 2021.
Rocky Mountain Health Plans cancellend its preauthorization requirements.
On January 20, 2022, 10 members of COMBINE testified in front of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC).
HCPF, and RAEs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 now meet regularly with COMBINE teams.
CCHA has amended their clawback period to 1 year from time of payment.
In February of 2022 members of COMBINE met with Gainwell regarding HCPF
"validation" timelines, after requesting a meeting from Veritas hedge
fund CEO (the owner of Gainwell). We were assured of a 5 day
time frame and an end to the back-and-forth practice of fixing one
thing at a time. As of December 2023 providers are still struggling with the Gainwell call center, especially with revalidation.
HCPF put recoupment limits into RAE contracts (limits to 365 days).
Worked with Colorado Access to establish an 'endorsement' so clinics may employ pre-licensure counselors. Now, Colorado Access allows for supervised billing.
Increased press coverage on the state of mental health in Colorado.
COMBINE topped 100 member clinics in February 2022.