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Counselors - Peers - Marriage and Family Therapists - Addiction Counselors
Psychologists - Social Workers - Pre-licensure Professionals - Interns

...for a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce.

We've been advocating for the needs of a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce. Below you can see some of what we've accomplished and how we've grown since 2019.

  • We helped draft the bipartisan Medicaid Rate Report (HB22-1268), introduced by Reps. Amabile (D) and Rep. Holtorf (R), and "The Medicaid Mental Health Care Prior Authorization and Recoupment Regulation" bill (SB22-156) sponsored by Senate President Fenberg, Senator Kolker, Rep. Amabile, and Rep. Young. SB22-156 provides protection for providers from recoupment of paid claims, and prohibits prior authorization requirements for outpatient care. 
  • Advocated for dual enrolled Medicaid/Medicare patients to receive care from LPCs, who cannot participate in Medicare. Approved January 2022.
  • Clarified with OBH, CDPHE, HCPF, BHA, and the RAEs which mental healthcare clinics have to apply for expensive Behavioral Health Entity licensing in 2022.
  • Automatic denials of F64 (gender dysphoria and associated codes) rescinded as of July 2022.
  • CCHA stopped prior authorization for outpatient counseling, required from March 2021 to September 2021.
  • Rocky Mountain Health Plans cancellend its preauthorization requirements.
  • On January 20, 2022, 10 members of COMBINE testified in front of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC).
  • HCPF, and RAEs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 now meet regularly with COMBINE teams.  
  • CCHA has amended their clawback period to 1 year from time of payment.
  • In February of 2022 members of COMBINE met with Gainwell regarding HCPF "validation" timelines, after requesting a meeting from Veritas hedge fund CEO (the owner of Gainwell). We were assured of a 5 day time frame and an end to the back-and-forth practice of fixing one thing at a time.  As of December 2023 providers are still struggling with the Gainwell call center, especially with revalidation.
  • HCPF put recoupment limits into RAE contracts (limits to 365 days).
  • Worked with Colorado Access to establish an 'endorsement' so clinics may employ pre-licensure counselors.  Now, Colorado Access allows for supervised billing.
  • Increased press coverage on the state of mental health in Colorado.
  • COMBINE topped 100 member clinics in February 2022.


We need lobbyist money.  Donate! 

Donation goal

Larger clinics that see real benefits from COMBINE efforts please donate 1/10th of 1% of Medicaid revenue. (e.g. $500 on $500,000)
Collected: $17,800.00
Goal: $18,000.00

$99 annual dues, join today!

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