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Counselors - Peers - Marriage and Family Therapists - Addiction Counselors
Psychologists - Social Workers - Pre-licensure Professionals - Interns

...for a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce.

COMBINE is organized as a non-profit trade association (501c4) advocating for Medicaid and other mental healthcare professionals.  COMBINE also coordinates political contributions through a small donor political committee.  Donations to COMBINE are not tax-deductible.  Member organization dues are a deductible business expense, except for the proportion spent on lobbying.

COMBINE Board of Directors

Yakitta Renfroe (Chair), Faith Holloway, Lexi Ellis, Andrew Rose, Carlos Villafan, Faith Halverson Ramos

COMBINE Officers

Yakitta Renfroe, Board Chair, LPC

Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC)

Substance abuse counselor

Trauma therapist

Mental Health Therapist within a prison / jail

Residential co-occurring /dual diagnosis counselor

Adolescent group therapist focusing on suicide prevention and self-harm

Private practice outpatient counselor

United States Air Force

Faith Halverson-Ramos, Treasurer, LPC, MT-BC (Music Therapist - Board-Certified) 

Faith operates SoundWell Music Therapy, a solo private practice in Longmont that provides mental health and music therapy services to people throughout the lifespan. She especially enjoys working with neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ teens and young adults, as well as with older adults. Prior to working in private practice, Faith worked in early childhood special education and hospice settings after graduating from the MA Transpersonal Counseling Psychology Music Therapy program at Naropa University in 2007.

In addition to running her practice, Faith is the Executive Director for the Online Conference for Music Therapy and serves as the Midwestern representative on the Interprofessional Collaborative Resources Committee of the American Music Therapy Association.

Faith HollowaySecretary, LPC

COMBINE Committee Chairs

  • Yakitta Renfroe, LPC, BIPOC Committee Chair
  • Alyssa Wright, LPC, HCPF Meeting Committee Co-Chair
  • Andy Rose, LPC, Website, Policy, and Education committees Chair
  • Carlos Villafan, LPC, NCC, RAE 6,7 CCHA (Carelon/Anthem) Meeting Committee Chair
  • Tisha Jackson, LPC, RAE 2, 4 (Carelon/Beacon) Meeting Committee Chair
  • Sybil Cummin, LPC, ACS, and Christine Garcia, LPC, ACS,  RAE 3, 5 Colorado Access Meeting Committee Co-Chairs


We need lobbyist money.  Donate! 

Donation goal

Larger clinics that see real benefits from COMBINE efforts please donate 1/10th of 1% of Medicaid revenue. (e.g. $500 on $500,000)
Collected: $17,899.00
Goal: $18,000.00

$99 annual dues, join today!

Help the work force. Donate!

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